With internal Defguard SSO
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Defguard provides secure remote enrollment process (remote registration and account activation), during which the user can:
double-check their data
setup their password
add their initial device to access VPN as a nice wizard!
see admin (that has added this user) contact details
This process includes account setup and/or VPN configuration since defguard is used as an SSO for:
accessing all your applications, meaning with defguard's account you not only access/configure VPN but also log in to other applications.
and accessing the VPN.
All done by a nice wizard:
This can be done in two ways - either in the browser (web based) or by using a defguard desktop client. For both ways, there is an email that is sent to the user with explanation and relevant URLs/tokens.
When starting the enrollment process - a user will have only 10minutes to complete the process.
The enrollment token is valid for 24 hours.
In the desktop client when adding an instance - the enrollment & onboarding process takes place.
What is great about this is that after the enrollment process is done - the desktop client is automatically configured with all available VPN locations for the user.
When accessing the enrollment service in the browser the process is extended with the possibility to configure the initial VPN device/access manually.
Even if the user will do enrollment in the browser - the desktop client can be configured later by using: Remote desktop client activation.
After the enrollment proces new users are provided with any relevant company information, links to company systems, security guidelines, etc.
The onboarding messages will be shown on the last step of the enrollment process and sent to the user via email: