

To deploy and use Defguard on your cluster you'll need:

Our helm charts currently support only Traefik ingress - which is relevant and affects exposing GRPC services (see below ingress.hosts.grpc).


We prepared a git repository with Kubernetes configuration, clone it:

git clone https://github.com/DefGuard/deployment.git && cd deployment/charts

Then create namespace for Defguard on your cluster:

kubectl create namespace defguard

Copy and fill in values file:

cp defguard/values.yaml ./

Required values (the rest should work if left as-is):

  • ingress.hosts.grpc: GRPC ingress address - GRPC clients like defguard gateway, yubi-bridge

If you are configuring your gateway or yubi-bridge - please use this GRPC URL for communication.

If you have other ingress controller than traefik - you need to configure GRPC ingress manualy with corresponding to your setup.

  • ingress.hosts.web: Web ingress address - Defguard webapp will be available here.

  • publicUrl: Public URL your Defguard will be available under. Usually the same as ingress.hosts.web, but differ depending on your loadbalancer and/or reverse-proxy setup.

If you want to deploy the enrollment service along with your Defguard instance you also need to configure values related to the defguard-proxysubchart:

  • defguard-proxy.enabled: enable the enrollment service

  • defguard-proxy.upstreamGrpcUrl: defguard server gRPC endpoint URL

  • defguard-proxy.publicUrl: public URL of the enrollment service

  • defguard-proxy.ingress.hosts.web: enrollment service ingress address

And finally install the Helm chart in the namespace:

  • publicUrl: Public URL your Defguard will be available under. Usually the same as ingress.hosts.web, but differ depending on your loadbalancer and/or reverse-proxy setup.

helm install --wait=true --namespace defguard defguard defguard -f values.yaml

Last updated